Fünf Fragen / fünf Antworten
- Dein Morgenritual / Schlaftrunkener und zielstrebiger Gang zur Kaffeemaschine.
- Eule oder Lerche? / Das ist leider ganz eindeutig die Eule, s.o.
- Wer war der Held/die Heldin deiner Kindheit? / Bob Andrews, egal ob auf Kassette oder Schallplatte. Oder doch Luke Skywalker? Schwierig …
- Auto oder Fahrrad? / Beides im Wechsel, Hauptsache elektrisch!
- Dein liebstes Urlaubsziel / Schweden 💙💛
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Articles from and with
Proud member of BNW – Bundesverband Nachhaltige Wirtschaft
After joining the Lippe Climate Pact and participating in the EcoProfit Programme in 2021, we joined the BNW at the ...
Energy turnaround on site: We joined the environmental initiative Lemgo / Lippe eG
We want to support this great new project and joined the cooperative in November. We want to help drive the expansion ...
Online event on the topic of sustainable renovation
Live on air: A somewhat different project for Kaeding Anderson - on 6 October, we technically implemented an online ...
Pool electric vehicle IONIQ for all business trips of the team
Another electric car for Kaeding Anderson: Today we took delivery of our new "pool vehicle" in Hamburg. The Hyundai ...
Kaeding Anderson is climate neutral!
In June 2021, we completed our certification as a climate-neutral company, just in time for the launch of the new ...
Workshop: Sustainability Check
Exciting hybrid workshop afternoon on the topic of "Sustainable Development Goals / SDGs": All participants, freshly ...
Workshop series on environmental protection: start of the ÖKOPROFIT® project
On September 10, 2020, the district of Lippe launched the ÖKOPROFIT® project in the region for the second time. Ten ...