Would you like to familiarise yourself with the basics of search engine optimisation and want to know how search engines work behind the scenes? Or would you like to deepen existing knowledge and complete an expert workshop? Your SEO agency Kaeding Anderson offers SEO workshops at our location in Lemgo or at your premises.
The workshop includes an expert presentation and a subsequent joint examination of the potential of your website and the development of a sensible roadmap for content and on-page optimisation.
In our basic workshops you will learn the basics of search engine optimisation and how search engines work and function. After the workshop, you will know what is important when optimising websites for search engines and what you, as the operator of a website, have to consider if you want to be found better in the search engines. In addition, we also offer expert workshops on request, in which you can update and deepen your existing SEO knowledge.
Webentwicklung / SEO / SEA / Social Media-Management
Contents of the workshop
- How does Google work behind the scenes?
- How does Google view and rank a website?
- What is SEO?
- Basic knowledge of website optimisation.
- The most common SEO mistakes – and how to avoid them.
Who is the SEO workshop aimed at?
Website operators, marketers, webmasters and web developers. No previous knowledge is required.
How long does the workshop last?
As a rule, the SEO workshop lasts about 3-4 hours incl. a question and answer time.
Where does the SEO workshop take place?
The workshop takes place at our agency in Lemgo or as an online meeting.
Alternatively, a workshop at your premises is of course also possible.