CO2 balancing, reduction concepts, offsetting:
CO2 balance as the basis for your climate strategy
The more precisely you know where you currently stand with your company, the more effectively you can choose paths and measures and shape your objectives. Calculating your “Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF)” is the ideal starting point for more climate protection and convincing sustainability communication. So let’s get started!
Of course, you need data to create your carbon footprint – lots of data from the different areas of your company. But please don’t let this put you off! With Klimahelden, we have a professional partner at our side who has developed the “Digital Climate Manager”, an excellent tool for creating greenhouse gas balances for SMEs. This was originally developed in the field of tax consultancy, as tax firms already have the necessary data for CO2 balancing.
By the way: Like us, the climate heroes are members of the German Association for Sustainable Business, which is why we have been networked with each other for a long time and are in regular contact.
Our partner for software and expertise
Klimahelden is a young tech start-up from Munich. They offer an innovative platform in the field of automated carbon accounting for SMEs and actively support the economy in the climate transformation. With their KlimaManager including API interface, they offer several options for calculating (in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG)), reducing and offsetting the CO2 footprint. The Klimahelden consulting network, which includes our agency, works with the digital KlimaManager, which saves significant time and costs through automated processes and collaborative cooperation.
Brief profile of Support Klimahelden GmbH:
- Detailed evaluation of operational emissions
- Reduction of operating resource costs
- Compensation through verified CO2 offsetting
- Recommended measures for the climate protection strategy
- Action plan for digitization
- Communication of the climate protection contribution via the communication package
Procedure for operational CO2 balancing
We will be happy to assist you with the preparation of your carbon footprint. To collect the necessary data, you will receive individual access to the recording tool, which your tax advisor can also access.
Our range of services:
- Kick-off meeting (via Teams or Zoom)
- Consulting
- Accompanying the implementation
The aim of the recording, including a plausibility check, is a CO2 balance in accordance with the GHG Protocol (Greenhouse Gas Protocol). This carbon footprint – or your CO2 footprint- is the basis for the development and selection of appropriate reduction measures and CO2 offsetting. If you wish, you can also neutralize unavoidable emissions by supporting high-quality, sustainable climate protection projects. This so-called “CO2 offsetting” is confirmed to you with a certificate as a “climate protection contribution”.
In this way, all companies are gradually developing a system for planning the reduction of CO2 emissions.
Our tip:
Whether you want to collect your data completely through us, in collaboration with your tax advisor, or prefer to enter your data collaboratively yourself: With KlimaManager, we guide you efficiently and cost-effectively through all the steps to the finished carbon footprint. As professionals for design and communication, we also ensure the visual design and professional look in the comprehensive communication of your results. Feel free to contact us!
CO2 balancing, offsetting, communication package:
With full support for the climate strategy.
Together, we determine the emission-relevant operational data and thus calculate your company’s ecological footprint. This carbon footprint not only provides specific emission values, but also specific recommendations for reducing emissions and other recommended measures.
Our advice is provided in close cooperation with the climate heroes:
- The basis is the Digital Climate Manager, which we can use to create the carbon footprint particularly cost-effectively thanks to a high degree of automation.
- CO2 offsetting = compensation of CO2 emissions through the purchase of carefully selected, internationally recognized CO2 certificates. You will receive a corresponding certificate with information on the specific projects you are supporting. Instead of using certificate trading for reforestation projects in South America, we recommend investing in offsetting projects that support the development of renewable energies in the Global South.
- Comprehensive communication package to communicate your company’s climate handprint professionally.
Prepared for tomorrow: advantages of a CO2 strategy.
With all the requirements, terms, surveys, measures and possibilities, we keep track of everything together. We are there for you and – if necessary – motivate you to keep at it and optimize. Because the advantages of a concrete climate strategy for your company are obvious.
Compliance with legal requirements
Due to the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the majority of companies are obliged to report on sustainability. In order to save costs in the calculation of emissions in the supply chain, suppliers are also often asked to forward data on their CO2 emissions, including their reduction strategy, to large corporations.
Communicate climate contribution
CO2 offsetting and the corresponding labeling can be carried out for individual or different areas or products. A certificate or seal provides proof of the amount of CO2 “set aside” for a year. This allows you to transparently communicate your commitment directly to customers, employees, potential applicants and financial partners with a label such as “Climate contribution through offsetting”.
Financing advantages
With regard to financing criteria and interest conditions, banks are now increasingly taking companies’ climate risk strategies into account. Those who have already collected and can document the relevant key figures have a clear advantage here.
Cost efficiency
The carbon footprint reveals all energy consumption and reduction potential. This means you know exactly how many resources are being used in your company and where, and can initiate appropriate cost reductions.
Competitive advantages
Consumers are paying more attention to purchasing from companies that operate sustainably and more and more clients are attaching importance to the carbon footprint of their suppliers.
Increased employer attractiveness
More and more employees and young professionals are looking at sustainability aspects such as climate protection when choosing a career or job.
Increased appeal for environmentally conscious customers
By integrating environmentally friendly practices and sustainable measures into their business model, SMEs can not only build on the loyalty of existing customers, but also attract new target groups who are consciously looking for environmentally responsible products and services.