From sleep experts to podcast professionals: website relaunch and digital performance
“Do good and talk about it!” This is the motto of every one of our projects. In our cooperation with the Somnolab Private Clinic for Sleep Therapy in Dortmund, we can track the effect particularly clearly through qualitatively and quantitatively professionally prepared content – measurable and visible for all involved. Therefore, the joint analysis of the website report in the regular jour fixe meetings forms the basis for fine-tuning, new ideas and further measures.

From expert knowledge to customer information
In health marketing, we basically face the challenge of communicating medical topics in a way that is generally understandable and accurate to the target group. This starts with the website, continues with the patient brochure and does not stop with social media posts. Since these two experts in sleep medicine are passionate about their field, there are always big and small highlights such as tips for falling asleep at home, sleep stories for patients in the sleep lab or – as a special highlight – video podcasts with exciting stories, ideas, research and assessments about sleep medicine.

Reliable accompaniment & support
Our task in this? We sift, listen, research, check, advise, optimise and adjust, develop texts, links and cross-references, layouts and conversion tools, YouTube playlists and postings – and are thrilled by so much energy and input!
Our services: Analysis, Corporate Design, Text, UX/UI Design, Web Development, SEO, SEA, Social Media.

“Thanks to your expertise and commitment, we have gained significant visibility. With you, we have the ideal sparring partner for our topics and ideas and are very much looking forward to further cooperation. Thank you very much!”
Dr Hans-Christian Blum and Dr Riccardo Stoohs, founders and senior physicians